
A team of relationship managers is responsible for Julius Baer’s overarching relationship with third-party financial institutions and provides information to counterparties about our nature of business, compliance processes and anti-money-laundering mechanisms. Julius Baer is supervised on a consolidated basis by the Swiss Financial Market Authority (FINMA).

Our Company 
Julius Baer is the leading Swiss wealth management group. We provide personal advice, powered by high-end services and expertise, to private clients around the world. We actively embrace change to ensure we remain at the forefront of our industry.

Bank Julius Baer & Co Ltd. (“BJB”) is wholly owned by Julius Baer Group Ltd. (“JBG”). BJB is by far the largest operating entity of JBG, which includes the main business hubs Singapore, Hong Kong and Guernsey branch. BJB is the main interbank counterparty and most of the information refer to BJB (if not stated otherwise).

JBG is publicly listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange and has a few significant shareholders (all below 10%). Further details of the ownership structure/largest shareholders of JBG can be found below.

KYC Information

Identification numbers for Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd.

Tax number J 000 006 861
Enterprise Identification Number (UID) Bank: CHE-105.940.833
Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) H1DJB2.00001.ME756
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) PNWU8O0BLT17BBV61Y18

Regulator and banking licence 
Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd. is regulated and licenced by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), which publishes a list of all licenced financial institutions in Switzerland.
Please mind that there is no physical banking license.

OTC Derivative Reforms
The following link provides some basic information on the implementation of these regulations in Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd.

The SignatureNet platform can be used to verify signatures of our bank. The signatures and data available on the SignatureNet platform, including signature rules, can be relied upon at all times as being correct. SignatureNet is a free service available to correspondent banks. In case you require further information please contact us.

AML Information

Wolfsberg Questionnaire and USA Patriot Act Certification
Julius Baer adheres to the standards set by the Wolfsberg Group. The Wolfsberg Group is an association which aims to develop frameworks and guidance for the management of financial crime risks in particular in the area of anti-money laundering and policies against terrorist financing.

Credit Information

Julius Baer Group Ltd. and Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd. publish its financial results twice a year as part of its regular financial reporting in February for the entire previous calendar year and in July for the first six months of the current year.