
Until further notice, the Julius Baer Foundation is not accepting any new applications, except those responding to specific calls for proposal. Please consult this website for any further updates.

Eligibility criteria

  • Your organisation is able to conduct non-profit projects.
  • Your project addresses the core focus area of the Julius Baer Foundation: Wealth Inequality.
  • You present a sound implementation plan and realistic budget for the requested funds.
  • Your proposed project grant request does not exceed 30% of your organisation’s total budget. Exceptions can be made for start-ups or new initiatives.
  • Your project has the purpose of testing, scaling, or iterating an innovative approach to reduce inequality.
  • Your project goes beyond funding for your organisation’s ongoing activities or core programming.

Overall criteria for wealth inequality projects:

Your idea for a project on wealth inequality goes beyond poverty reduction in working towards systemic change. It presents a solution that can be scalable, sustainable, and produces long-term change for its beneficiaries.

  • Your project is set in a national or regional context of high inequality and seeks to address this. Priority will be given to projects in countries reporting the highest Gini-coefficient measures reported in recent years.
  • Your project represents a win-win solution, bringing together the privileged and disadvantaged in society to reduce wealth inequality. This enables them to meet and interact.
  • You provide a clear explanation of how your project directly reduces wealth inequality.

If your idea for a project addresses wealth inequality through education, it should aim to shape skills to bridge the gap in unequal access to opportunities. The project or initiative represents a holistic approach that includes life skills, critical thinking, and problem solving and is able to positively impact and potentially change the existing education system, and not only increase the capacity of the existing system.

  • Your project is set in the sphere and age group of primary school education.
  • Your project is not about school operations, construction of buildings, etc.
  • Our focus regions are mainly, but not exclusively, South and Southeast Asia.

Furthermore, the Julius Baer Foundation does not support:

  • individuals
  • scholarships
  • cultural events
  • political parties
  • faith-based organisations, except for projects that are equally open to all beneficiaries, regardless of whether and which religion they belong to
  • projects in countries subject to relevant international sanctions
  • leisure and entertainment activities
  • projects that seek support solely for salaries and wages
  • fundraising or awareness campaigns
  • activities that have a negative impact on the environment
  • requests for hardware or construction/real estate projects

All projects must go through the Julius Baer Foundation’s proposal and assessment process, including evaluation by an external expert. Projects must also meet our specific compliance and due diligence criteria. The final decision on any grant sits with the board of the Julius Baer Foundation.