Julius Baer is the leading Swiss private banking group with a heritage and tradition of providing best in class services. As the Hong Kong branch of Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd., we value trust in every single client relationship. Our commitment is to deliver client centric service excellence, so your satisfaction is the ultimate measure of our success.
We always listen carefully to all our clients, so please do not hesitate to let us know of any ways we can improve our services to better meet your needs.
If you feel dissatisfied with our services, this guide explains how to submit a complaint to us with the information and details we need to address your concerns and the procedures we will follow to handle your complaint professionally and efficiently.
If you wish to make a complaint
To make a complaint, please contact your Relationship Manager or our Complaint Officer. Complaints can be submitted by letter, telephone, fax, email or in person:
Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd.,
Hong Kong branch
39/F, One International Finance Centre
1 Harbour View Street, Central
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2899 4788
Fax: +852 2899 4789
Email: opinion@juliusbaer.com
What details should you provide?
In order to help us better understand your situation and fully address your concerns in an efficient way, please provide us with your following details:
- Name
- Address
- Contact number (day time)
- Account number
- Description of your complaint
- Copies of any relevant documents
Please note. If a complaint is being lodged on behalf of a client, an authorisation letter from the client will be required before the complaint can be processed.
Our complaint management process
We are committed to resolving a complaint as soon as possible in an amicable, pragmatic and professional manner. To this end, the following process will be implemented.
Client submits a complaint
Processing your complaint
- When a complaint is received it will be forwarded to relevant parties within the Bank, including the Bank’s management, the Legal & Compliance (L&C) department and the Risk Management (RISK) department.
- The nature of the complaint and any pertinent details will be gathered and analysed.
- Where the circumstances require a comprehensive investigation and deliberations, these will be led by L&C and RISK with the participation of other parties as appropriate. Management will be kept informed.
- You may be contacted by the Bank for further information where necessary.
- We aim to resolve all complaints in an objective and professional manner on the basis of the facts we gather from our investigations.
Responding to your complaint
- If your complaint cannot be resolved within 7 days after the date the complaint is received, we will send you a written acknowledgement within that period indicating how long we expect it to take to come to a conclusion.
- Normally you should receive a final reply within 30 days after the date the complaint is received.
- If we do not anticipate your complaint can be resolved within that time period, we will let you know the progress we are making and why a resolution cannot be provided within that time period.
- When we have resolved your complaint, we will provide you with a formal written reply including a conclusion to all the issues raised in your complaint and details of any actions we are proposing, will take or have taken.
If you do not receive a written reply to your complaint within 60 days after the date we received it, or if you are not satisfied with our final response, you may contact your Relationship Manager or the relevant department head directly. Under such circumstances, you also have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre (FDRC) which administers the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme in Hong Kong.
Financial Dispute Resolution Centre
Room 408-409, 4/F, West Wing,
Justice Place, 11 Ice House Street,
Central, Hong Kong.
Tel: +852 3199 5100
Fax: +852 2565 8662
Email: fdrc@fdrc.org.hk
For more details about FDRC, please refer to their website: www.fdrc.org.hk.